Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tootsie Pop Spiders

You need
Tootsie Pop Suckers- I used a small one here, but have used both sizes.
Black pipe cleaners
Googly eyes
hot glue gun

Cut 2 pipe cleaners in half so that you have 4 pieces, twist them one by one around the sucker stick and then bend them at the ends to form the spiders legs. Glue on the googly eyes using a hot glue gun.

We have handed these out at Halloween as treats and also have used these as a Halloween craft at school parties for the kids to make.


  1. How cute! What crafy people I'm following!

  2. I just stopped by from Willoughby's. Nice to meet you.

    Your Halloween spider is the cutest idea I've seen in ages! I know what I'll be making this year. Thanks!

